The conference contains 23 minisymposia on topics of current research interest in the analysis, simulation and mathematical modeling of wave phenomena and wave-type equations. They will contain 4-10 talks of 25 minutes. Click on title or name for more details.
- Dissipative Patterns and Waves
by Joannis Alexopoulos (KIT, Karlsruhe) and Björn de Rijk (KIT, Karlsruhe) - Numerical Methods for Nonlinear and Nonlocal Transient Phenomena
by Lehel Banjai (Heriot-Watt U, Edinburgh) and María López-Fernández (U Málaga) - Intersection of Biomedical Acoustics and Machine Learning
by Marta Betcke (UC London), Ben Cox (UC London), and Matthew King (UC London) - Asymptotic Models in Fluid Dynamics and Pattern Formation
by Gabriele Brüll (Lund U), Christina Lienstromberg (U Stuttgart), and Wolf-Patrick Düll (U Stuttgart) - Nonlinear Waves in Cardiac Tissue
by Martina Chirilus-Bruckner (U Leiden) and Tim de Coster (LUMC, Leiden) - Mathematics of Acoustic Nonlinearity Tomography
by Ben Cox (UC London), Barbara Kaltenbacher (U Klagenfurt), Felix Lucka (CWI, Amsterdam), and Vanja Nikolić (Radboud U,Nijmegen) - Nonlinear Maxwell Equations
by Tomáš Dohnal (U Halle) and Wolfgang Reichel (KIT, Karlsruhe) - Discretizations of Nonlinear and Multiscale Wave-Type Problems
by Benjamin Dörich (KIT, Karlsruhe), Patrick Henning (U Bochum), and Roland Maier (KIT, Karlsruhe) - Water Waves and Dispersive Equations
by Mats Ehrnström (NTNU, Trondheim) and Douglas Svensson Seth (NTNU, Trondheim) - Bifurcation and Pattern Formation in Dynamical Systems
by André H. Erhardt (WIAS, Berlin), Bastian Hilder (TU Munich), and Jörg Weber (U Vienna) - Monotonicity and Convexity in Inverse Coefficient Problems
by Henrik Garde (Aarhus U) and Bastian Harrach (U Frankfurt) - Computational Boundary Integral Equation Methods for Time-Dependent Waves
by Heiko Gimperlein (U Innsbruck) and Jörg Nick (ETH Zürich) - Wave Propagation in Random Multi-Scale Media and Applications
by Laure Giovangigli (ENSTA, Palaiseau) and Mathias Schäffner (U Halle) - Analysis and Numerics for PDEs with Nonstandard and Mixed Boundary/Interface Conditions
by Martin Halla (U Göttingen) - Novel Approaches to Inverse Problems in Wave Scattering and Propagation
by Isaac Harris (Purdue U, West Lafayette) and Jacob Rezac (NIST, Gaithersburg) - (In-)Stability, Dispersion and Weak Turbulence: From Fluid Flow to Hamiltonian Systems
by Zihui He (U Bielefeld), Lars Eric Hientzsch (KIT), and Tobias Schmid (EPF Lausanne) - Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Wave Scattering by Periodic Structures
by Guanghui Hu (Nankai U, Tianjin) and Ruming Zhang (TU Berlin) - Recent Methods in Nonlinear Dispersive Waves
by Mihaela Ifrim (U Wisconsin, Madison) and Daniel Tătaru (U California, Berkeley) - Spectral Theory and Applications
by Illia Karabash (U Bonn), Konstantin Pankrashkin (U Oldenburg), and Olaf Post (U Trier) - Nonlocal Dispersive Equations
by Christian Klein (UB, Dijon) and Nikola Stoilov (UB, Dijon) - Kerr Frequency Combs – From Models to Experiments and Back
by Christian Koos (KIT, Karlsruhe) and Wolfgang Reichel (KIT, Karlsruhe) - Long Wave Approximations in Homogeneous, Periodic and Stochastic Media
by Xian Liao (KIT, Karlsruhe) and Guido Schneider (U Stuttgart) - Waveguides
by Ben Schweizer (TU Dortmund) and Andreas Kirsch (KIT, Karlsruhe)