
The conference contains 23 minisymposia on topics of current research interest in the analysis, simulation and mathematical modeling of wave phenomena and wave-type equations. They will contain 4-10 talks of 25 minutes. Click on title or name for more details.

  1. Dissipative Patterns and Waves
    by Joannis Alexopoulos (KIT, Karlsruhe) and Björn de Rijk (KIT, Karlsruhe)
  2. Numerical Methods for Nonlinear and Nonlocal Transient Phenomena
    by Lehel Banjai (Heriot-Watt U, Edinburgh) and María López-Fernández (U Málaga)
  3. Intersection of Biomedical Acoustics and Machine Learning
    by Marta Betcke (UC London), Ben Cox (UC London), and Matthew King (UC London)
  4. Asymptotic Models in Fluid Dynamics and Pattern Formation
    by Gabriele Brüll (Lund U), Christina Lienstromberg (U Stuttgart), and Wolf-Patrick Düll (U Stuttgart)
  5. Nonlinear Waves in Cardiac Tissue
    by Martina Chirilus-Bruckner (U Leiden) and Tim de Coster (LUMC, Leiden)
  6. Mathematics of Acoustic Nonlinearity Tomography
    by Ben Cox (UC London), Barbara Kaltenbacher (U Klagenfurt), Felix Lucka (CWI, Amsterdam), and Vanja Nikolić (Radboud U,Nijmegen)
  7. Nonlinear Maxwell Equations
    by Tomáš Dohnal (U Halle) and Wolfgang Reichel (KIT, Karlsruhe)
  8. Discretizations of Nonlinear and Multiscale Wave-Type Problems
    by Benjamin Dörich (KIT, Karlsruhe), Patrick Henning (U Bochum), and Roland Maier (KIT, Karlsruhe)
  9. Water Waves and Dispersive Equations
    by Mats Ehrnström (NTNU, Trondheim) and Douglas Svensson Seth (NTNU, Trondheim)
  10. Bifurcation and Pattern Formation in Dynamical Systems
    by André H. Erhardt (WIAS, Berlin), Bastian Hilder (TU Munich), and Jörg Weber (U Vienna)
  11. Monotonicity and Convexity in Inverse Coefficient Problems
    by Henrik Garde (Aarhus U) and Bastian Harrach (U Frankfurt)
  12. Computational Boundary Integral Equation Methods for Time-Dependent Waves
    by Heiko Gimperlein (U Innsbruck) and Jörg Nick (ETH Zürich)
  13. Wave Propagation in Random Multi-Scale Media and Applications
    by Laure Giovangigli (ENSTA, Palaiseau) and Mathias Schäffner (U Halle)
  14. Analysis and Numerics for PDEs with Nonstandard and Mixed Boundary/Interface Conditions
    by Martin Halla (U Göttingen)
  15. Novel Approaches to Inverse Problems in Wave Scattering and Propagation
    by Isaac Harris (Purdue U, West Lafayette) and Jacob Rezac (NIST, Gaithersburg)
  16. (In-)Stability, Dispersion and Weak Turbulence: From Fluid Flow to Hamiltonian Systems
    by Zihui He (U Bielefeld), Lars Eric Hientzsch (KIT), and Tobias Schmid (EPF Lausanne)
  17. Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Wave Scattering by Periodic Structures
    by Guanghui Hu (Nankai U, Tianjin) and Ruming Zhang (TU Berlin)
  18. Recent Methods in Nonlinear Dispersive Waves
    by Mihaela Ifrim (U Wisconsin, Madison) and Daniel Tătaru (U California, Berkeley)
  19. Spectral Theory and Applications
    by Illia Karabash (U Bonn), Konstantin Pankrashkin (U Oldenburg), and Olaf Post (U Trier)
  20. Nonlocal Dispersive Equations
    by Christian Klein (UB, Dijon) and Nikola Stoilov (UB, Dijon)
  21. Kerr Frequency Combs – From Models to Experiments and Back
    by Christian Koos (KIT, Karlsruhe) and Wolfgang Reichel (KIT, Karlsruhe)
  22. Long Wave Approximations in Homogeneous, Periodic and Stochastic Media
    by Xian Liao (KIT, Karlsruhe) and Guido Schneider (U Stuttgart)
  23. Waveguides
    by Ben Schweizer (TU Dortmund) and Andreas Kirsch (KIT, Karlsruhe)