Organizers of this minisymposium are
Steady water waves, prevalent in nature, have captivated the curiosity of mathematicians for centuries, persistently posing formidable challenges. These challenges span a broad spectrum, from comprehending the full water wave model utilizing the Euler equations, with complexities introduced by factors such as vorticity or critical layers, to investigations of nonlocal dispersive model equations, such as the fractional KdV equations or Whitham-type equations, which can provide more far reaching results in certain regimes or produce novel mathematical research in itself. The overarching objectives of this research encompasses proving existence of solutions, exploration of global branches of solutions, the determination of extreme waves, and the regularity properties. Furthermore, beyond the steady waves, the investigation extends into the dynamic problems, where the research address questions concerning well-posedness, existence time, and the potential occurrence of blow-up phenomena. This minisymposium aspires to gather leading experts and aspiring researchers alike, fostering the exchange of insights, methodologies, and advancements across the multifaceted landscape of water waves.