Call for Registration

We invite you to register for our conference and to submit an abstract for a talk (of 25 minutes) in a minisymposium or as a contributed talk until

September 1, 2024.

There is no conference fee. The number of talks and of participants is restricted by the local capacities. Please note that the organizers of the minisymposia decide on the acceptance of papers to their session. If a paper is not accepted, we will consider it for the sessions of contributed talks.

To register for the conference please follow the link below. If you want to give a talk, please prepare your abstract using our LaTeX template and create a PDF file. After you finished this step you can register. During registration, you will be asked to upload the PDF and the latex file.

Click here to register

We have limited resources for travel and/or accommodation support, in particular for female participants and young researchers. You can apply for this support until September 1, 2024, by sending a CV, a letter of motivation (including an estimation of your travel costs) and (if you are a Ph.D. student) a supporting letter from your advisor to We expect a talk (possibly a contributed talk) if you apply for support.